The Oldest Photos Captured From Each State

Courtesy of Library of Congress

13. Illinois

The earliest photograph from Illinois shows another important political figure, Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln’s political rival. He was photographed back in 1844, two years before Lincoln.

Stephen A. Douglas was a Democratic senator, while his challenger, Abraham Lincoln, was a Republican. They had seven public debates on the issue of slavery that was a subject of interest back then because of its expansion into many American territories.

Courtesy of Library of Congress

14. Indiana

Rebel prisoners in Camp Morton is the description of this photograph. It was taken during the Civil War by Eben P. Cutter and it shows prisoners from Camp Morton, Indianapolis.

The place was used during the Civil War for military training and it was named after Indiana’s Governor, Oliver Morton.

Courtesy of Library of Congress

15. Iowa

George Wallace Jones was photographed back in 1844. He was jailed during the Civil War for being suspected of supporting the Confederacy.

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