8 Bizarre Funeral Rituals From Around the World

Our world is made up of different cultures, traditions, and rituals, so people have different behaviors and personality traits and it’s normal to act differently in certain situations. In fact, being unique in our own way is what makes our world that beautiful and special. No matter what culture you are born in or join, other communities should understand that we have different perspectives on life and that some customs really mean something for individuals in certain societies.
That being said, most of us know about two ways of saying goodbye to the dead, namely cremation and burial. For those who don’t know what cremation is: it is a method of disposing of a dead person’s body by burning it to ashes (combustion/ incineration). It often happens after the funeral ceremony.
However, in some cases, people choose one of these two ways before they die, so this is a personal decision that their relatives and families should respect. If they could not express their preference before leaving the world of the living, then the family decides for them. In some cultures, depending on their traditions and rituals, they can’t express their decision beforehand, so they have to follow certain cultural ‘rules’.
Metaphorically speaking, let’s dig a little deeper into these traditions and find out other funeral rituals from around the world. We warn you that some of them are extremely bizarre. Read on for more!