Only Real New Yorkers Know These 6 Things! Do You?

Photo by beeboys from Shutterstock

Don’t stick to the left side of escalators

As you already know, each escalator has a sign which warns you to stay on the right side of the escalator if you are not in a hurry, because otherwise you risk getting in the way of other people who are in a rush to go to work or arrive on time somewhere else. The left side of escalators is for people who want to walk. 

That being said, this is a walking etiquette rule that should be followed not only in New York City but throughout the world. As I said before, if you stay on the left side, you will block anyone behind you who wants to walk past you. In fact, it’s important to take into consideration that there are people who have to complete a lot of tasks every day, and sprint walking is essential in their case.

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