9 Ordinary Habits You Have to Ignore Because of COVID-19
Kissing as a form of greeting
There are a lot of people who adore saying ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’ with a kiss or when it is someone else’s birthday, but you should stop doing this! So, even though you think that this is a nice and honest gesture, well, you should know that the other person probably does not believe the same. Moreover, this is another way to pass the virus, so try to get rid of this habit. Instead, you can say hello with a kiss in the air or a royal wave.
“Although not mainstream throughout the United States, there are some areas where a cheek kiss is the standard polite greeting. But if handshaking is out, cheek kissing is definitely out!” says Melanie Musson, a lifestyle and etiquette writer for the life-insurance site QuickQuote.com.