9 Ways to Become a Better Person in 2020

Photo by Rawpixel / Envato Elements

You should be honest with others without being offensive

How would you feel if you found out that your loved ones or other people around you were lying to you? If you do not feel comfortable knowing that someone just lied to you, then you should also try to avoid hiding the truth from them. If you want to build healthy relationships with other people and to become a better person you have to always tell the truth and to be honest with them as well.

Additionally, when you decide to be honest and tell them directly what you feel just make sure you do it politely so you do not hurt them.

For example, if someone asks you if you like their new house but you really do not like some decorations, just tell them that the house itself is beautiful, but the style is not to your taste and you can tell them what to do instead.

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