15 Emergency Essentials You Don’t Want to Be Without

Recent hurricane seasons have been devastating to areas on the Gulf Coast and in the Caribbean, and they remain fresh in the minds of many as storms arrive this year.
The remainder of this year’s season, which extends through Nov. 30, could be just as harsh as in recent years, so it’s essential to be prepared.
With hurricanes – and tornadoes, flash floods, earthquakes, and even strong thunderstorms, too – there’s always the possibility of evacuation or the long-term disruption of essential services.
It’s easy to go overboard on storm prep, especially in last-minute panic mode, but a few simple steps taken in advance make emergency preparation affordable even on a tight budget.
The American Red Cross and Federal Emergency Management Agency recommend two weeks’ worth of emergency supplies for sheltering in place and a three-day supply for evacuating to a safe zone.