15 Celebs Over 40 Who Have Never Looked More Gorgeous

Celebrity or not, wrinkles, fine lines, and thinning hair affect every woman as they get older.
Stars may have the help of makeup artists and hair stylists to prep them for the red carpet events, but did you know that many celebs over 40 use drugstore products to keep their complexions radiantly youthful?
To get a similar glow without an army of helpers, follow our lead and steal these natural beauties’ best tips and tricks.
40 and 50 year olds are “aged” ? Haha what about cicely Tyson and Jane Fonda and a few truly older ladies
These women aren’t even old at all.. give me a break….and they all have tons of money to be pampered every single day… lets see some way older women and real women at that….with less resources and less time to spend on daily facials.
Why do you keep promoting these women who have had the luxury to have various plastic surgeries, Botox, fillers, butt tuck, butt enhancement. No, they did
Not age naturally. Just saying… stop it.
I’m afraid this is entirely true….these actresses have all the amenities at their fingertips..which more power to them,but every woman that is just an average woman doesn’t have this power and definitely not the finances!
Christie Brinkley is my age and I only wish I was a pinch as beautiful as she!