This Bike Company Has a Unique Solution For Bike Vandalism
I don’t know about you, but every time I leave my bike somewhere I spend a minute or two looking at it just in case it’s the last time I see it. Apparently, some guys in China have a major problem with vandalism – the biggest Chinese bike company, to be more exact, which plans on expanding its services in the US too!
China bike sharing service @ofo_bicycle spotted all over Austin #China is moving west!
— Benjamin Duvall (@benjaminduvall) March 13, 2017
According to the giant bike producer Ofo, so far discovered thousands of bikes thrown in piles, rivers or locked up in really weird places around the city. These bikes were meant to be used by one person who then leaves his/her bike on the street for the next person, who finds it, to enjoy a ride elsewhere.
And while I get the fact that some people want to keep such bikes for themselves, it’s a bit hard for everyone to understand why would someone destroy it.
However, this creative company came up with a ‘brilliant’ solution to the problem: more bikes. You didn’t see it coming, did you?
Teh founder of the Ofo company, 25-year-old Dai Wei, declared that right now the company is trying to literally flood cities all across China with brand new shared bikes.
Their gesture symbolises the fact that these people really want to decrease the amount of pollution and make people healthier at the same time. In the end, how many bikes can a person steal or ruin?
Maybe we shouldn’t ask ourselves that.