Grammar Mistakes You Often Make Without Realizing – According To Microsoft
Before the paranoid in you starts wondering how the heck would Microsoft know what and how you’re typing, let’s clarify things. Editor is an innovative feature of the Windows 10 version of Word and yes, apparently it does gather some data from your files because that’s how Microsoft knows your mistakes.
Now they’re not saying that we don’t know how to write or spell certain words, but it seems like there are some flaws in our writing that most of us keep on making even after realizing they’re wrong. So let’s get down to it:
Punctuation (Commas)
Example: Let’s eat grandpa.
Commas are being used to indicate a pause in our speech – and to separate nouns or sentences with different functions. As you can see in our example, it was actually found that commas can even save a life.
Commonly confused words
Example: I am constantly running out of breathe.
Okay, we may admit that the cause of this one could be the complicated English grammar itself. It might be just because we’re not really paying attention to our writing, but this is one of the most common mistakes we make – check your Facebook conversations for proof!
Possessive and plural forms
Example: My teachers efforts to teach English grammar were useless.
We’re in the century of speed and, apparently, adding apostrophes takes too much time of our busy day. However, this may be the beginning of some significant changed regarding the English grammar rules, in the sense that they won’t exist anymore.
Too many white spaces
Example: This post will make you check your grammar more often.
Not only is this one of the most common writing mistakes we make, but according to Microsoft, this is also the one we’re less likely to correct too. After all, it’s not like you mispelled a word or anything, right? Well, space is really important (in every way) , so you could pay more attention to that especially when writing formal emails.